Whipped Lingonberry Porridge - Puolukkavispipuuro

Edit: This is a new, edited post (see the first version from 5 years ago). I wanted to have nicer photos and also the recipe by volume (I was once in trouble when I needed to make it without a kitchen scale).

Lingonberries definitely belong to my autumn: these tart and a bit bitter red berries taste good with both sweet and savoury foods. My all-time favorite lingonberry recipe is "whipped porridge": a semolina porridge cooked with lingonberry juice or with whole berries. This porridge is a traditional Finnish recipe. Usually it's eaten cold or at room-temperature, not hot as porridges usually. It's best with ice-cold milk. I love the combination: like pink islands floating in a sea of milk :)

I suggest you sieve the berry skins out of the cooked liquid before adding the semolina (in some recipes the skins are left in the juice which results in a bit more rustic porridge: the taste will be stronger and the colour is also darker. I'd guess it's also healthier since you get all the fiber and nutrients in the berry skins). Despite the mentioned facts I still prefer the sieved version as the taste isn't as bitter and colour is a nicer pale shade of pink. You can use the leftover berry mash in bread doughs etc. if you don't want to waste it.

Vispipuuro - Whipped Lingonberry Porridge

Traditional Finnish autumn dessert: light and airy, pink and fluffy - can a porridge get any better?

  • 350 ml water
  • 100 g lingonberries (~100 ml, if mashed)
  • 30-40 g sugar (2-3 Tbsp)
  • 50 g (70 ml) wheat semolina
  1. Bring the water to boil and add the berries and sugar. Simmer for 5 minutes and then sieve it, preserving the liquid. Press the berries to get any liquid remaining with the berry mash. (You could also use a blender and then either sieve the mixture or skip the sieving part totally.)
  2. Bring the berry juice to a boil again and add semolina while whisking. Simmer for 10 minutes (during the first minutes stir it constantly so it doesn't stick to the pot).
  3. Pour the porridge to a bowl and put the bowl in a scold water bath (that way the porridge cools a bit faster). Using an electric mixer (etc) whip until light, airy and pale pink. (If you're using a sweetener to substitute for (some) sugar, add it at this stage before whisking).
  4. Cover the surface with a clingfilm, the cling-film straight on the surface to prevent a skin forming on the surface.
  5. Serve at room-temperature or cold, with milk.
*Nutritional information is based on average values and is a rough estimate.

Vispipuuro - Whipped Lingonberry Porridge

Ilmavanpehmeä, pinkki ja höttöinen vispipuuro kuuluu syksyn ehdottomiin ruokiin. Meillä tätä kutsuttiin lappapuuroksi, miten teidän perheessä?

  • 3,5 dl vettä
  • 100 g puolukoita (~100 ml survottuna)
  • 30-40 g (2-3 rkl) sokeria
  • 50 g (2/3 dl) mannasuurimoita
  1. Kiehauta vesi ja lisää puolukat ja sokeri. Keitä noin 5 minuuttia. Siivilöi neste talteen ja painele kuorista kaikki mehu (vaihtoehtoisesti voit myös soseuttaa kuoret esim. sauvasekoittimella tai blenderillä).
  2. Kiehauta mehu ja lisää mannasuurimot. Hauduta puuroa n. 10 minuuttia (sekoita hyvin pohjaa myöten ainakin ensimmäisten minuuttien aikana, ettei puuro tartu pohjaan).
  3. Kaada valmis puuro kulhoon ja laita se kylmään vesihauteeseen (se jäähtyy niin nopeammin). Vatkaa kuumana sähkövatkaimella, kunnes se muuttuu vaaleaksi ja kuohkeaksi. Peitä puuron pinta tuorekelmulla, jottei siihen muodostu kuorta.
  4. Tarjoa huoneenlämpöisenä tai kylmänä, kylmän maidon kanssa.
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