Green Herbed Quinoa

Despite I'm feeling dead-tired after having worked A LOT overtime recently and after all the organizing of the new apartment (we still have lots to do; I need to clean and do laundry today), I still want to post you this great quinoa recipe!!! Seriously, it's that good and needs to be posted
It was a pure chance my mother used quinoa instead of couscous for a green couscous salad recipe last summer. I think she put some avocado to it, but I'm not sure. The original recipe is from a Swedish food magazine Allt om Mat ("everything about food"). It has always so good recipes. If you understand Swedish, I really recommend it. After that I've tweaked the recipe even more by adding edamame to make it a proper meal, not just a side dish. The amount of herbs might seem gigantic, but I really recommend using them all, as the taste will be dispersed to all the quinoa.
I'm sharing here my go-to method of cooking quinoa: please check it out! It's the perfect way to cook fluffy quinoa! (This time I recommend to NOT use Finnish quinoa, as it results in porridge-like consistency not wanted in this recipe. I like GoGreen quinoa here.) Remember to wash the grains properly with hot water before cooking to remove the natural bitterness. I use a very fine mesh sieve so that the small grains can't escape through. If you don't have a sieve fine enough, wash the grains in bowl and exchange the hot water a couple times: just pour the water slowly over the edge of the bowl and try to get as much water off as possible with the help of the sieve you have or just with your hand.
I'm fondly remembering all the time we spent in O'Connell's and all the rememberable Paddy nights there! Greetings to Tampere folks!!! I don't think any Helsinki Irish bar can beat O'Connell's!!! Please tell me, if there is a similar bar in Helsinki.
P.S. I'm also very thrilled I could finally use my new kitchen. Everything is still a bit lost and I walk forth and back only to discover I have to go back again to fetch this and that; but I still love it. I'll have to re-organize the cupboards still; it doesn't work like this.

Quinoa salad with a dressing of three herbs, edamame and pistachios: can it get any greener?
- 150 ml uncooked quinoa
- 300 ml water
- 1 onion
- 1 tsp vegetable oil (I use rapeseed oil)
- 50 g arugula
- 200 g edamame, frozen
- 30 g pistachios Herb dressing:
- a bunch of fresh parsley
- a bunch of coriander
- a few sprigs of dill
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 3-4 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil or extra virgin rapeseed oil (my favorite!!)
- Prepare the quinoa: Wash it properly in a fine sieve under hot running water to remove the bitter taste.
- Bring quinoa and water to a boil. Leave the lid slightly open and cook on medium heat about 5-7 minutes or until the water has evaporated. Close the lid completely, turn off the heat and leave the quinoa to steam for about 10 minutes.
- Meanwhile, chop the onion and saute it until golden brown.
- Prepare the dressing: Blend everything together until an even herby paste forms. Add more oil, if the paste is too thick.
- Stir the dressing with the sauteed onion to the quinoa. Season with salt, if needed.
- Thaw the edamame by boiling it with a small amount of water for a few minutes.
- Wash the arugula and arrange it on a salad bowl with the quinoa, edamame and pistachios.
Adapted from Allt om Mat.
*Nutritional information is based on average values and is a rough estimate.

Quinoasalaatti kolmen yrtin kastikkeella, edamameilla ja pistaaseilla: voiko olla tämän vihreämpää?
- 150 ml kypsentämätöntä quinoaa
- 300 ml vettä
- 1 sipuli
- 1 tl rypsiöljyä
- 50 g rucolaa
- 200 g edamame-papuja (vihreitä soijapapuja)
- 30 g pistaaseja Yrttiöljy:
- nippu persiljaa
- nippu korianteria
- muutama oksa tilliä
- 1/2 tl suolaa
- 3-4 rkl kylmäpuristettua rypsi- tai oliiviöljyä
- Valmista quinoa: huuhtele quinoa huolellisesti tiheäverkkoisessa siivilässä poistaaksesi kitkeryyden.
- Kiehauta quinoa ja vesi, lisää suola. Jätä kansi hieman auki ja keitä keskilämmöllä, niin että vesi poreilee hieman. Keitä kunnes vesi on haihtunut (noin 5-7 minuuttia). Sulje kansi kokonaan ja jätä quinoa kypsymään höyryyn noin kymmeneksi minuutiksi.
- Pilko ja kuullota sipuli tilkassa öljyä.
- Valmista yrttiöljy: Soseuta yrtit suolan ja öljyn kanssa tasaiseksi tehosekoittimessa tai sauvasekoittimella. Lisää tarvittaessa öljyä.
- Sekoita yrttiöljy ja sipuli kypsään quinoaan. Lisää tarvittaessa suolaa.
- Sulata edamame keittämällä se tilkassa vettä muutaman minuutin ajan (tai pussin ohjeen mukaan).
- Pese rucola ja järjestele se salaattikulhoon quinoan, edamame-papujen ja pistaasien kanssa.
Lähde: Allt om Mat.
*Energiasisältö perustuu keskimääräisiin arvoihin ja on karkea arvio.

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