Cinnamon French Toast Rolls - Korvapuustiritarit

Your quickest way to homemade cinnamon rolls! This recipe is especially handy during these times as many cafes are closed. The cafe, which makes the best cinnamon rolls in Helsinki, closed its doors this week. Now I have to get my weekly cinnamon bun fix from elsewhere. Luckily these French toast rolls are so yummy and easy to make! You'll get mostly that soft, moist interior of a cinnamon bun (which is the best part IMHO. I know that some disagree :D ) and not at all the dry outerparts. I can't remember anymore how I invented them. I have a vague memory on reading about cinnamon roll pancakes, then bumping on cinnamon roll toasts and it hit me: Cinnamon roll made with French toast...
I can't decide my mind what they should be called. I found some recipes for cinnamon roll French toasts, but those are exactly what they sound like: French toast made from cinnamon rolls. Then I thought about French toast cinnamon rolls, but as they are not technically cinnamon rolls, but French toasts, albeit in roll format, I decided to call them Cinnamon French toast rolls.

Your quickest way to bake cinnamon roll centers!
- 3 slices toast/brioche/sweet bread (preferable big and square shaped)
- 3 tsp butter
- 1 egg yolk, lightly beaten
- 150 ml milk (add more if needed)
- a drop of vanilla extract
- 1/2 tsp ground cardamom
- 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon (+ more for dusting)
- 3-6 Tbsp sugar
- Heat up the oven to 220 C and butter the muffin tin holes.
- Mix egg yolk and milk with 1-2 Tbsp sugar, vanilla, cardamom and cinnamon.
- Butter the bread slices and let them soak in the egg mixture until they've mostly absorbed it (you can add more milk, if the bread seems too dry). Wait a few minutes until progressing. They should become soft and pliable but not too soggy so that you can roll them later.
- Sprinkle the slices with 1-1,5 Tbsp sugar per slice and some more cinnamon on the butter sides.
- Cut each slice to three strips (though the amount might depend on the size and form of your bread and muffin tin holes).
- Roll three strips (butterside inside) into a roll; each strip after one another; and place the roll into a muffin tin hole. You can squeeze the roll a bit so that it fits the hole snuggly.
- If there's still left that egg-milk mixture, pour it onto the rolls. If the rolls are not soggy enough, you can either pour or brush more milk on them. The amount really depends on the bread so it's just trial and error but the rolls should be quite soggy.
- Bake in the oven for appr. 10-15 minutes (the time really varies according to how soft you want your roll to be). Enjoy warm, with cold milk or coffee.

Pikaresepti ihaniin korvapuustikeskustoihin!
- 3 viipaletta paahtoleipää tai pullapitkoa
- 3 tl voita
- 1 keltuainen
- 1,5 dl maitoa (lisää tarvittaessa)
- tippa vaniljauutetta
- 1/2 tl kardemummaa
- 1/2 tl kanelia (+ lisää ripotteluun)
- 3-6 rkl sokeria
- Lämmitä uuni 220 asteeseen ja voitele muffinivuoan kolot.
- Sekoita keltuainen, maito, 1-2 rkl sokeria, vaniljauute, kardemumma ja kaneli.
- Voitele leivät ja anna niiden liota munamaidossa, kunnes se on imeytynyt niihin (lisää maitoa, jos leipä jää kuivaksi). Odota hetki leivän pehmenemistä; sen tulisi olla pehmeän taipuvaa, mutta ei liian märkää, jotta sen voi rullata myöhemmin.
- Ripottele leipien voipuolelle 1-1,5 rkl sokeria/viipale ja kanelia.
- Leikkaa jokainen viipale kolmeen osaan pitkittäin (tosin määrä riippuu leipäviipaleesi muffinipellin kolojen koosta).
- Rullaa kolme nauhaa peräkkäin yhdeksi rullaksi (voipuoli sisäänpäin) ja aseta pystyyn muffinivuokaan. Voit hieman lytätä rullaa, jotta se mahtuu hyvin muffinikoloon.
- Mikäli muna-maitoa jäi yli, kaada loppu rullien päälle. Jos leipä tuntuu vieläkin kuivalta, kaada rullien päälle varovasti lisää maitoa (tai voitele sudilla niihin maitoa).
- Paista uunissa 10-15 minuuttia, kunnes ritarirullat ovat haluamasi asteisen kypsiä. Nauti lämpimänä.

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