Creamy Celery Soup - Sellerikeitto

When looking yet again at the sad bunch of celery remaining in the vegetable locker of the fridge, I keep wondering why they don't sell it in smaller quantities. The standard sold size is about 500 g and it comes readily packed so not even the shops can influence that. Most of the recipes say "2-3 stalks of celery" at the most, so what to do with the rest of the ten stalks... I find celery quite strong and I don't enjoy eating it raw in great amounts, but I find it gives an exceptionally good taste to broths, soups and sauces (and what would mirepoix be without it...). You can imagine how happy I was to find this recipe: no more sad celeries at the vegetable locker!

A perfect recipe to use up all the extra celery!
- 1 Tbsp vegetable oil
- 500 g celery
- 1 onion, diced
- 600 ml light vegetable broth (e.g. from 1 cube)
- 200 ml coconut milk
- 1 bay leaf
- 1 sprig of thyme
- 50 g baby spinach
- 2 Tbsp lemon juice, optional
- salt, if needed
- Saute onion and celery in oil. Add vegetable broth, bay leaf and thyme. Simmer about 15 minutes or until celery is tender.
- Simmer about 15 minutes or until celery is tender.
- Remove bay leaf and thyme. Add spinach and coconut milk, bring the soup to a boil. Then take off the heat.
- Blend the soup and season with lemon juice (and salt, if needed).
*Nutritional information is based on average values and is a rough estimate.

Mahtava resepti ylijäämäsellerin hyödyntämiseen!
- 1 rkl rypsiöljyä
- 500 g varsiselleriä, viipaloituna
- 1 sipuli, hienonnettuna
- 6 dl mietoa kasvislientä (esim. 6 dl vettä ja 1 kasvisliemikuutio)
- 2 dl kookosmaitoa
- 1 laakerinlehti
- 1 timjamin oksa
- 50 g tuoretta babypinaattia
- 2 rkl sitruunamehua, halutessasi
- (suolaa)
- Kuullota sipuli ja selleri öljyssä. Lisää kasvisliemi, laakerinlehti ja timjaminoksa. Hauduta keittoa kannen alla noin 15 minuuttia, kunnes varsiselleri on pehmennyt.
- Poista laakerinlehti ja timjaminoksa. Lisää kookosmaito ja pinaatti, kuumenna keitto ja ota sitten pois lämmöltä.
- Soseuta keitto ja mausta se halutessasi sitruunamehulla (ja suolalla).
Lähde: Ilta-Sanomat
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