Easter Magic: Gâteau Magique

It's a magic cake in many aspects: you make one batter and bake it in the oven and you'll get a cake with three layers (that's where the name comes from). Then to the other magical aspects I discovered myself:
First time baking it I forgot to add half of the flour and it still came through (at the time I hadn't tried the cake previously, and I couldn't tell there was something wrong with the cake). After making the cake second time I (or my cake tin) failed miserably: half of the batter leaked to the bottom of the oven and formed a pancake there (the remaining thin layer in the cake tin still delivered in some aspect). The third time I decided to not let it leak. This time I had my own trustworthy springform (which has never leaked), but I still decided to use baking paper. I hesitated to just press it inside the springform as there were many creases at the sides but didn't have the courage to line the sides with a separate paper in order to get the paper straight (should have probably done so, but I was so scared of the possible leaking...). The cake rose unevenly in the oven and it resulted in tears on the surface. I still decided to take the photos as the cake is so delicious: the fluffy upper layer, the pancake-like bottom and then the smooth custard layer in the middle, yum!
I have to say that I liked my first version the best (made with half the amount of flour and with 2 yolks instead of 4), but maybe that's because it was otherwise the best version I made. So that leads to the third magical aspect: the recipe is a great option to use your leftover egg whites. I've made it using the original 4 egg yolks - 4 egg whites to 2 egg yolks - 4 egg whites (I had two leftover egg whites, so I separated two more eggs to obtain 2 yolks and 4 whites).
In addition to these magic tricks, I had yet one to discover during the third try. I was melting the butter in the microwave, of course very slowly, to avoid splatters. I paused the microwave after the first 20 seconds, then after awhile started it again. After about two seconds there was a loud fffllop sound. I stopped the microwave, opened the door and there it was: a big clump of unmelted, soft butter had somehow exploded from the cup and was sitting on the edge of the round circling glass plate of the microwave. In addition to that there was melted, splattered butter all over and it started dripping out of the microwave straight after I had opened door. Magic indeed. Never have I had that sort of thing happening. So beware, making this cake can also make your butter explode in the microwave...
You can eat the cake when it's still warm, but the taste is rather eggy then. The taste will be much better after it has cooled in the fridge for at least a couple of hours.
Happy Easter, everyone! Easter witches might come to visit you too, if you decide to bake this magical cake.

It's magic: you make one batter and bake it in the oven and you'll get a cake with three layers: soft and fluffy angelfood cake -like top and pancake-like bottom which sandwich a creamy custard layer.
- 2-4 egg yolks
- 200 ml powdered sugar (confectioner's sugar)
- 2 tsp vanilla sugar (or 1/2-1 tsp vanilla extract)
- 85 g butter
- 500 ml milk
- 175 ml (~100 g) all-purpose flour
- 4 egg whites
- Preheat the oven to 160-170 C. Line the bottom of either 20 x 20 cm square tin or 24 cm round tin with baking paper (if you have a springform tin and you're afraid of leakage, try to line the paper to the sides as smoothly as possible. If there are creases, the cake will not rise smoothly.
- Melt the butter and leave it to cool.
- Whip the eggwhites to stiff peak stage.
- Whip the egg yolks and sugar until fluffy and light. Add vanilla and melted, cooled butter.
- Stir in the flour.
- Warm the milk to body temperature and stir into the batter.
- Fold the eggwhites into the batter so that no lumps remain but that a foamlike layer is still left on the surface.
- Pour the batter to the prepared tin. Bake in the lower half of the oven for 45-50 minutes (might be closer to an hour in 160 C). If the surface gets too much colour, cover with a foil.
- Leave to cool and place in the fridge for at least a couple hours.
Adapted from http://www.papillesetpupilles.fr

Leipomisen magiaa: yksi taikina, kolmikerroksinen taikakakku: pehmeä, kuohkea kansi kätkee alleen pannukakkumaisen pohjan ja keskelle jäävän kermaisen vaniljakiisselin.
- 2-4 keltuaista
- 2 dl tomusokeria
- 2 tl vaniljasokeria (tai 1/2-1 tl vaniljauutetta)
- 85 g voita
- 5 dl maitoa
- 1,75 dl (100 g) jauhoa
- 4 valkuaista
- Esilämmitä uuni 160-170 asteeseen. Vuoraa 20 x 20 cm neliönmuotoisen tai 24 cm pyöreän kakkuvuoan pohja leivinpaperilla.
- Sulata voi ja jätä se jäähtymään.
- Vatkaa valkuaiset kovaksi vaahdoksi.
- Vatkaa keltuaiset ja tomusokeri vaaleaksi vaahdoksi. Lisää vaniljasokeri ja sulatettu, jäähtynyt voi.
- Sekoita joukkoon jauhot.
- Lämmitä maito kädenlämpöiseksi ja sekoita vähitellen takinaan.
- Kääntele lopuksi valkuaisvaahto taikinaan niin, ettei taikinaan jää kokkareita, mutta niin, että vaahtomainen kerros jää pinnalle.
- Kaada taikina vuokaan. Paista uunin alatasossa 45-50 minuuttia (160 asteessa tähän menee lähemmäksi 1 h). Jos pinta ruskistuu liikaa, peitä se foliolla.
- Anna jäähtyä jääkaappikylmäksi.
Alkuperäisresepti: http://www.papillesetpupilles.fr

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what a lovely cake! My friend from Italy makes something similar.
Thanks! Do you know what it's called in Italy?