Rolled Pork Loin with Sage - Salviapossu

I love Christmas and its preparations, the festivity and the feel of waiting. How early do you start to preparing for your Christmas? This post is a part of my annual Christmas series on the blog! Check my Christmas Calendar, too!

If you are wondering what to serve on Christmas, I highly recommend this rolled pork roll: it substitutes perfectly for ham, especially if you don't have a big family to eat all that ham. Sage gives the meat a fresh taste and Serrano ham brings the pork to a more festive level. The rolling part is actually very easy to make, despite it looks complicated.

If you're a Christmas addict as I, please remember to subscribe to my Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest or via RSS to not miss any posts! 

Rolled Pork Loin with Sage

~1 kg pork loin
salt and black pepper
1 lemon, peel (grated) and juice
80 g Serrano ham
a bunch of fresh sage
vegetable oil

Heat the oven to 200 C. Cut the pork open like a book so that one part is about 1/3 in thickness and the other 2/3 (with like a book I mean to leave the pieces together from the other long edge). Then proceed with thicker part: cut it in half (starting from the edge you left intact during the first cut), so that you can open that part to the other side. You should have a long and about 1,5 cm thick piece now. If the meat has a fat layer to it, turn it so that it will be underneath.

Season the meat with salt and pepper. Arrange the Serrano ham on the piece with sage and grated lemon peel. Roll the piece so that fatty part will be outmost part. Make it into a tight roll and bind it with a kitchen string.

Heat up a frying pan with some vegetable oil and fry the roll quickly on all sides. Pour the lemon juice on it and let it bubble on the hot pan for a few seconds until you place the pork with the juice on an oven tray. Cook in the oven for 40 minutes or until the inner temperature reaches 74 C. When ready, take the pork out of the oven and cover tightly with tin foil. Leave for at least 15 mins before eating.


~1 kg porsaan ulkofilettä
suolaa ja pippuria
1 sitruunan kuori ja mehu
80 g serranonkinkkua
tuoretta salviaa

Lämmitä uuni 200 asteeseen. Leikkaa filee auki kuin kirja: etukanneksi noin kolmasosan paksuinen osa. Käännä "kansi" auki vasemmalle ja jatka sitten leikkaamista "kirjan" vasemmasta sivusta ja käännä tämä osa sitten oikealle. Näin sinulla pitäisi olla pitkä ja noin 1,5 cm paksuinen levy. Jos lihassa on rasvakerros, käännä se leikkuulautaa vasten.

Mausta liha suolalla ja pippurilla. Järjestele serranonkinkku, salviat ja sitruunankuoriraaste lihan päälle. Kääri tiukaksi rullaksi niin että rasvainen osa jää ulommaiseksi. Sido rulla langalla.

Lämmitä paistinpannussa hieman rypsiöljyä ja paista rulla pikaisesti joka sivulta. Kaada päälle sitruunamehu ja anna sen kuplia hetki kuumalla pannulla. Nosta liha uunivuokaan ja kaada päälle mehut pannulta. Paista uunissa n. 40 minuuttia tai kunnes sisälämpötila on 74 C. Nosta pois uunista ja anna lihan levätä ainakin 15 minuuttia folion alla.

Adapted: Teresa Välimäki & Johanna Lindholm: Hyvää joulua. (On muuten ihan loisto-opus kaikille jouluhulluille, suosittelen :)

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