Saffron Pancake - Sahramipannukakku

This saffron pancake recipe is originally from Gotland, which is an island in the Baltic Sea. The pancake is made from leftover rice porridge/rice pudding (just like the Åland pancake) and is seasoned with saffron (unlike the Åland version, which is seasoned with cardamom). So basically it's totally totally Christmas food: rice porridge and saffron! Saffron makes the porridge golden yellow: such a small amount of that spice is enough to colour the whole pancake! The deeply yellow colour gives the pancake a very festive look. I love the scent and the taste saffron gives. It's an expensive spice and has a very distinctive taste not all like. You can substitute cardamom for saffron and make Åland pancake instead, if you don't have or don't like saffron. (There is also a story about me and saffron which I might tell you some day even though it brings bitter memories back, but not today). The reason why I'm postinfg this recipe today, is because it's St Lucia Day. And saffron and St Lucia are linked together (I've written previously about St Lucia Day here and here).

It's baked in the oven into a soft and thick pancake that has a creamy texture. And, it's glutenfree btw!

Gotland pancake is traditionally eaten with whipped cream and dewberry jam (salmbärsylt in Swedish, sinivatukkahillo in Finnish). There grows actually a few of these thorny bushes near my home even though they are quite rare in Finland. No one seems to pick their berries (maybe no one knows there are edible! I didn't either, until I checked what they are and that was actually how I discovered this recipe).

The preparation and cooking times include the making of rice porridge/rice pudding. So if you have some rice pudding left, that will speed up the process. If you don't have left-overs, here is a tip on how to make it easily, without the stirring and the risk of burning it: Proceed as stated below, until the milk starts to boil. Then place the pot onto a thick wooden plate, cover it with a lid and a heavy towel and leave for 45 minutes. Once the time has passed, stir the pudding even. At this stage the pudding might not look very appetizing: the milk is liquid-y and the rice grains swollen but somehow separate, but don't panic: it will thicken: cook for 5 minutes on medium heat while constantly stirring until it looks thick and creamy.

Another St Lucia Day recipe:
Sahramiglögi - Saffron Mulled Wine

Gotland Saffron Pancake

This Gotland pancake is made from leftover rice porridge/rice pudding into a creamy and thick pancake. It's seasoned with saffron to give it a festive golden look and special taste! Serve it warm with whipped cream and dewberry jam (bramble or boysenberry jam are good too).

  • 75 ml pudding rice
  • 200 ml water
  • 400 ml milk (full-fat or semi-skimmed)
  • (or 500 ml left-over rice porridge/rice pudding)
  • 0.5 g saffron (or 1/2-1 tsp cardamom, in which case you don't need that dash of boiling water)
  • a dash of boiling water
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 ml milk
  • 2 Tbsp butter (if you are making the rice pudding only for this dish, you can stir the butter into the hot pudding, so no need to melt it)
  • 1/3-1/2 tsp salt
  • 3 Tbsp sugar
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla powder
  • On top: flaked almonds
  1. Start by making the rice porridge/rice pudding (see my tip above for an easy way of preparing it):
    Boil the water and add the rice. Cook on medium heat until all the water has absorbed to the rice. Add (hot) milk and stir on medium-high heat until the milk starts to bubble. Lower the heat and stir constantly so that it doesn't stick to the bottom of the pot. It will thicken after 30-40 minutes of cooking. Leave to cool. (Add the butter at this stage so it will melt by the heat of the porridge.)
  2. Dissolve the saffron to a small amount of boiling water. Leave for 10 minutes so that all the flavour of the saffron will seep into the water. Stir the liquid with the saffron threads to somewhat cooled porridge.
  3. Add eggs, milk, salt, sugar and vanilla (and melted butter if you didn't add it earlier).
  4. Pour the batter onto a baking paper covered oven tray/dish (with edges, about the size of 20 x 30 cm).
  5. Bake in 225 C (200 C, if using convection oven) about 20-25 minutes. Sprinkle some flaked almonds on top and contiue baking for about 10 minutes.
Adapted from
*Nutritional information is based on average values and is a rough estimate.

Gotlanti Sahrami Pannukakku

Gotlantilainen pannukakku tehdään riisipuurosta ja maustetaan sahramilla. Tarjoa se lämpimänä kermavaahdon ja sinivatukkahillon kanssa (tai vaikka karhunvatukkahillon kanssa).

  • 3/4 dl puuroriisiä
  • 2 dl vettä
  • 4 dl maitoa
  • Tai: n. 5 dl riisipuuroa
  • 0.5 g sahramia
  • tilkka kiehuvaa vettä
  • 2 munaa
  • 1 dl maitoa
  • 2 rkl sulatettua voita
  • 1/3-1/2 tl suolaa
  • 3 rkl sokeria
  • ripaus vaniljajauhetta
  • Päälle: mantelilastuja
  1. Aloita riisipuuron valmistuksella: Kiehauta vesi, lisää riisi ja keitä kunnes vesi on imeytynyt. Lisää (lämmin) maito ja sekoita kunnes maito kiehahtaa. Laske lämpöä ja jatka sekoittamista koko ajan, jotta puuro ei tartu pohjaan. Keitä miedolla lämmöllä, kunnes puuro on paksuuntunut ja riisit pehmeitä (n. 30-40 minuutin kypsentämisen jälkeen). (Lisää voi jo tässä vaiheessa, niin se sulaa puuron lämmöstä.) Anna jäähtyä.
  2. Liuota sahrami kiehuvaan vesitilkkaan. Jätä n. 10 minuutiksi, jotta sahramista uuttuu kaikki maku. Sekoita neste (ja sahrami) riisipuuroon.
  3. Lisää munat, maito, suola, sokeri ja vanilja (sekä sulatettu voi, jos et lisännyt sitä jo kuumaan puuroon.)
  4. Kaada taikina leivinpaperilla vuorattuun uuniastiaan (koko n. 20 x 30 cm).
  5. Paista 225 asteessa (200 asteessa kiertoilmalla) n. 20-25 minuuttia. Ripottele pinnalle mantelilastuja ja jatka paistamista n. 10 minuuttia.
*Energiasisältö perustuu keskimääräisiin arvoihin ja on karkea arvio.

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