Soft Gingerbread Cake aka Finnish Buttermilk Cake

Christmas is drawing nearer and nearer: only 5 nights until Christmas Eve! Time has, yet again, flown so quickly. I have still three work days before my holiday and I feel exhausted. Are you having any extra days off work at Christmas time?

This cake is like a soft version of gingerbread cookies. It has all my favorite Christmas spices: cinnamon, cardamom and ginger! It's also very easy to make as all ingredients are just stirred together. Sourmilk makes it very juicy and scrumptious, and it keeps good for many days! For your information, there are no eggs in the recipe. I scaled up the original recipe, as I find many Finnish Bundt cake recipes are too small for my Bundt cake pan. If the recipe is too small, it will make the cake oddly shaped: like a UFO or a donut LOL. This was the perfect size for my cake pan or then the trick to push the batter down in the middle helped too. (It's that Kaiser's pan with the diameter of 22 cm, which is sold everywhere here, so if you are living in Finland, I'm betting you have it also.)

Happy baking!

Other cakes:

Ciambella all'Arancia - Orange Cake
Pinecone Cake - Käpykakku
Blueberry Lime Mini Bundts
Matcha Mochi Minicakes

piimäkakku maustekakku soft gingerbread

It tastes like soft gingerbread cookies!

  • 400 ml buttermilk
  • 125 g brown sugar (fariinisokeri in Finnish) (appr. 150 ml tightly packed) or 100 ml Scandinavian dark syrup
  • 180 g (200 ml) white granulated sugar
  • 2 tsp ground ginger
  • 1 Tbsp ground cardamom
  • 1 Tbsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 440 g (appr. 8 dl) all-purpose flour
  • 250 g butter, melted and cooled
  • 200 ml raisins, soaked in 2 Tbsp rum or whiskey + 100 ml water in fridge (I've soaked mine from 30 min to 24 hours: the longer the better. In 24 hours all of the liquid will probably be absorbed by the raisins. If some liquid remains, sieve it before using)
  1. Preheat the oven to 175 C.
  2. Stir all ingredients together (in the given order: you can alternate between flour and butter, if the batter gets too thick).
  3. Pour the batter to a prepared cake pan. To ensure even distribution and rising, stir the batter one round around the cake pan. Bake on the low-middle rack in the oven for 50-60 minutes.
  4. Test the doneness with a toothpick. Let the cake cool for 5 minutes and then remove it from the pan. Leave to cool under the pan.
Adapted from Sirpa Talka: Tee hyvä kakku.
*Nutritional information is based on average values and is a rough estimate.

piimäkakku maustekakku soft gingerbread

Kuin pehmeä piparkakku...

  • 4 dl piimää
  • 125 g fariinisokeria (appr. 1,5 dl tiukkaan pakattuna) tai 1 dl tummaa siirappia
  • 180 g (2 dl) sokeria
  • 2 tl jauhettua inkivääriä
  • 1 rkl jauhettua tai rouhittua kardemummaa
  • 1 rkl kanelia
  • 1 tl ruokasoodaa
  • 440 g (noin 8 dl) vehnäjauhoa
  • 250 g voita, sulatettuna ja jäähtyneenä
  • 2 dl rusinoita: liota 2 rkl rommia /viskiä + 1 dl vettä (jääkaapissa) (olen itse liottanut 30 min - 24 tuntiin: mitä pidempään, sen parempi. 24 tunnissa rusinat imevät kaiken nesteen. Jos rusinoissa on vielä jäljellä nestettä, siivilöi se pois.)
  1. Esilämmitä uuni 175 asteeseen.
  2. Sekoita kaikki ainekset listan mukaisessa järjestyksessä (vuorottele voin ja jauhojen välillä, jos taikina on liian paksua).
  3. Kaada taikina voideltuun ja korppujauhotettuun torvikakkuvuokaan. Pyöräytä lopuksi lastalla tai lusikalla vuoan ympäri, jotta taikina jakautuu ja kohoaa tasaisesti. Paista matalalla keskitasolla noin 50-60 minuuttia.
  4. Testaa kypsyys esim. hammastikulla: siihen ei saisi jäädä kiinni raakaa taikinaa. Anna jäähtyä 5 minuuttia ja kumoa sitten. Anna jäähtyä vuoan alla.
Lähde: Sirpa Talka. Tee hyvä kakku.
*Energiasisältö perustuu keskimääräisiin arvoihin ja on karkea arvio.

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